Injustice Mobile Wiki
Injustice Mobile Wiki

Batman is required in all matches of challenge battle 5.

Match 1[]

Credits: 405

Match 2[]

Credits: 435

Match 3[]

Challenge: Life Drain! (10%)

Credits: 465

Match 4[]

Credits: 495

Match 5[]

Credits: 525

Match 6[]

Challenge: Regeneration

Credits: 555

Match 7[]

Credits: 585

Match 8[]

Credits: 12,615

Match 9[]

Challenge: Radiation! (1% max health lost every second)

Credits: 645

Match 10[]

Credits: 675

Match 11[]

Credits: 705

Match 12[]

Challenge: Life Drain! (enemies heal by 10% of their damage dealt)

Credits: 735

Match 13[]

Credits: 765

Match 14[]

Credits: 795

Match 15[]

Challenge: Radiation! (2% max health lost every second)

